Directory watching

Bart Silverstrim bsilver at
Tue Oct 16 15:37:01 UTC 2007

Andrew Glen-Young wrote:

> I don't know of any utility specifically created for this, but
> 'rdiff-backup' should suffice for your situation.
> It is a backup tool, which you could run at 5 minute intervals to
> achieve your goal.
> Other backup tools could also be used.
> If you're not comfortable with scripting then perhaps you could find a
> suitable GUI for 'rsync'?

It appears that rdiff-backup should work.  I think I have it configured 
for what I'm looking for...

Basically I have a user where they save files then they are magically 
disappearing from his home directory (on Windows) at some point in the 
day and I'm trying to monitor (and restore) the files to find the point 
at which they're disappearing to find out who or what is doing it, since 
it's odd that they are there, he saves, he goes to another lab later and 
*blink* they're gone and it's just his directory being affected. 
Rdiff-backup with the listing of increment changes looks like it'll tell 
me approximately when it occurs, since I'm running it every five minutes 
from Crond.

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