Directory watching

Bart Silverstrim bsilver at
Tue Oct 16 13:40:28 UTC 2007

Is there a simple script or method under ubuntu to check every, say, 
five minutes a particular directory and copy the contents to a second 
directory and at the same time compare and notify me if the original 
directory has the contents change?

In other words,

Is mounted with five files.  The script or application runs, checks the 
contents, and copies them to


Once there it checks every five minutes, if a file is added, the file is 
copied to /home/me/temp/archive and a log in /home/me/temp says, "File 
$NAME has been added at $DATE $TIME"

If a file is deleted from /mnt/windows/foldertomonitor, it is NOT 
deleted from /home/me/temp/archive, but the logfile tells me $NAME is 
altered at $DATE $TIME.

If a file is modified, it is copied to /home/me/temp/archive/$NAME_1 and 
a note in the log says "File $NAME has been modified at $DATE $TIME".

That's the idea of the kind of thing I was looking for.  Any ideas, 
pointers, tips...?  I'm less than shoetread in the programming 
department. :-/

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