rm/ra to mp3

Andy stude.list at googlemail.com
Tue Oct 16 13:01:13 UTC 2007

On 15/10/2007, OOzy Pal <oozypal at gmail.com> wrote:
> Is there any utility that convert from real player audio (rm/ra) to mp3?

There is something called "Perl Audio Converter",
<http://viiron.googlepages.com/home> or on SFnet

Last time I used it you needed mPlayer and the appropriate codecs from
mPlayer to read .ra files.

IIRC .rm just contain meta data, namely the URL of the actual .ra file
(I could be wrong).

When I last looked at PAC's source code for transcoding RA to MP3 it
just invoked mPlayer to decompress it (convert to WAV) and used LAME
to encode it to MP3.

If the MP3 file is much larger than the original it could be that the
MP3 is being encoded at a higher bitrate than the original (note this
does not make it any higher quality than the original, that would be

Alternatively you could have mPlayer convert to WAV and then you can
encode to MP3 your self. (or more likely write a quick script to do
it). Can't remember the commands to do this right now.

It would be helpful to know a little background on why you need to do
this, settings needed for encoding would vary based on the quality of
the source.

Hope that helps.


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