Voice messenger for Ubuntu 7.04

Bart Silverstrim bsilver at chrononomicon.com
Mon Oct 15 12:03:46 UTC 2007

Rapael Morcha wrote:
> On Sun, Oct 14, 2007 at 01:54:11PM -0400, Harold Hartley wrote:

>> It sounds like some people think that all linux apps have to be
>> open source showing the source code. Well it doesn't have to as
>> long as its made for linux is the main thing. The more apps made to
>> run on linux the
> Agreed. Has to be free/libre. BTW, who are -some- people? If it's
> made for Linux, and doesn't provide source, what good is it?

Um...because it works for the purpose you're intending it to be used for?

>> better wether its open source or proprietory. Thats just my 2 cent.
> Just my 3 cent.
> TBH, every user has different degree of requirements. If you are a
> home user, you'd obviously would want Linux software to be bug-free
> and free/libre _with_ source code and have GPL-like license so that
> if you can hack the guts of the source, you could do so with full
> freedom. 

Why would you need this for a *HOME USER*?

Not a programmer, not a hobbyist, just someone who wants to chat with 
someone else?

> So, if the software is binary-only and if there's some
> problem/bug/error with it, how should you as a user/developer try to
> fix it? Report it to the software company and wait for next
> release/patch? 

Why not?  I've run across bugs in things that have software source 
available...I reported it to the developer.  They thanked me and fixed 
it shortly thereafter.

Many people who aren't programmers have other things to do in life that 
are, frankly, higher priority.  There's a reason those "quick-e-lubes" 
make a profit when most of their work is something as simple as changing 
oil and wiper fluid.

I'm only pointing this out because sometimes I think people get lost in 
their causes and don't take into account what users are really like out 
there.  I'm lucky if I can get our users to read an email that is more 
than two paragraphs in length.  I can't even get them to not top-post so 
it's easier to read.  You expect them to take time to help debug 
software or fix it themselves?

Linux isn't a cause.  It's another tool with too many zealous mechanics.

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