Trying Gutsy Gibbon beta and FAILING

Jack Bowling jbinpg at
Mon Oct 15 02:18:38 UTC 2007

On Sun, Oct 14, 2007 at 02:29:41PM -0700, Scott (angrykeyboarder) wrote:
> Mario Vukelic spake thusly:
> > On Sun, 2007-10-14 at 13:25 -0700, Scott (angrykeyboarder) wrote:
> >> *Months* ago?
> > 
> > I got bored with Feisty working all the time while Gutsy was not even in
> > Debian Version Freeze yet :)
> Heh :)
> > 
> >> You sir, are a brave soul. :)
> > 
> > Just bored :) I don't have to rely on this installation working, and I
> > can help myself when it breaks (which it did very rarely in this cycle,
> > at least for me, YMMV). And I usually install unstable versions at first
> > in a virtual machine and observe for a while how well they behave. And
> > when I'm feeling cautious or have read about problems, I first update in
> > the vm before I commit myself with the primary install.
> I've only started using VMs recently (but mostly for other distros).  I 
> typically do a fresh install of the development version 6-8 weeks prior 
> to release date. Anything earlier than that (in my experience) is just 
> not worth the hassle.
> And frankly, I've found Gutsy to be *much* buggier than Feisty was 6 
> months ago.  They've got a lot of work to do in 4 days.....

And just for a balanced contrary opinion, Gutsy is working marvelously on my
AMD 64 box with the one exception of a 64 bit java plugin which is out of
Ubuntu's control. 


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