Some KDE issues

Scott (angrykeyboarder) geekboy at
Sun Oct 14 20:59:10 UTC 2007

Amichai Rotman spake thusly:
> Hi all,
> I know this isn't a KDE specific list, so it might be slightly off-topic...

> I recently switched to KDE since I noticed most of the apps I use are 
> KDE apps...
> I have two problems I tried fixing and couldn't:
> KWeather:
> I live in Haifa, Israel, so I would like to use my local station for 
> weather forecast. I looked up the available stations under Middle East 
> --> Israel and found 3 - none in Haifa. I researched the possibility to 
> add stations and while looking up the station ID I found it is already 
> present in the /usr/share/apps/kweatherservice/stations.dat file - but, 
> as I said, not on the list while configuring the applet from the GUI... 
> How do I make it appear on the list - or maybe edit a file to tell the 
> applet which station to use?

That's a toughie. Kweather has been rather buggy for quite some time. 
You would in fact probably get more help asking on the Kubuntu list - or 
better yet, a KDE list (

But it honestly sounds like a bug if you say the station ID is in the 
stations.dat file.  I'd file a bug report with KDE 
( and possibly one with Ubuntu as well (and 

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