Kubuntu (Gutsy) First Impression

Anthony Gardner cyclewood_ltd at yahoo.co.uk
Sun Oct 14 17:03:40 UTC 2007

fresh install fixed the GUI refresh speed but was unable to find network!!

Feisty has no problem with the network and have had to reinstall it :(

Will look into the gutsy installation another day.

Anthony Gardner <cyclewood_ltd at yahoo.co.uk> wrote: Right on both counts.

Am gonna do a fresh install today to see what happens.

Very strange this. Never experienced it before :(

Steve Flynn <anothermindbomb at gmail.com> wrote: On 13/10/2007, Anthony Gardner <cyclewood_ltd at yahoo.co.uk> wrote: Firstly, Thanks Canonical for this release.

Secondly, The refresh of the GUI is very, very, very slow.

You mean that the redrawing of the screen appears to be sluggish - not that the refresh rate of the screen (in Mhz) is low... From your wording I assume the former. 

I also assume that before posting  you have check the output of 'top' and concluded that everything is normal and that KDE is very slow. Correct?

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