Off-topic Google question...but desparation has set in ;-)

Leo Cacciari leo.cacciari at
Sun Oct 14 08:46:44 UTC 2007

Il giorno dom, 14/10/2007 alle 03.37 -0400, Peter Spotts ha scritto:
> Folks,
> Sorry to raise this here, but I wasn't sure where else to turn...I'm on
> a business trip in the Netherlands, and am running my laptop from a
> hotel with broadband. But the only version of Google I can get (and I
> use it heavily) is in Dutch, which, sad to say, is not my main language.
> Is there any way I can get the English version? Whenever I try for
>, it automatically shifts me to I've been using
> Yahoo's search engine, which doesn't default to Dutch here. But it would
> be nice to get the English version of Google back again, if possible...
It's simple, google gives you the page of the country you are in,
*except if the preferrd language is set in your web preferences* (and
thus sent to google in the header of the request). You do not need a
signed acount, and you can use your taskbar search by simply setting the
top preferred language to english (or any other you are confortable


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