error when I unzip

James Takac p3nndrag0n at
Sun Oct 14 01:17:23 UTC 2007

On Sunday 14 October 2007 10:58:43 Hex Star wrote:
> On 10/13/07, William Biggs <wv.kc8pdr at> wrote:
> > When I unzip a file is lock why and how I unlock it ? I set up as a
> > user ? I'm the only one on the pc .
> What do you mean the file is lock? Your post is very unclear...


Two possibilities I can think of here

1) It's a password protected archive
2) It's permissions are set to root and so a lock symbol shows in the icon to 
denote this

if it's number 2, then he can press ALT F2 and type "gksudo nautilus" without 
the quotes and browse to the file at which point he now has permission to do 
what he wants with it, including changing permission and ownership of it by 
right clicking the file, choosing properties, then permissions, and going 
from there

However if it's a password protected file, it aint no good to him without the 


"Truth lies within ourselves: it takes no rise from outward things, whatever 
you may believe. There is an inmost center in us all, where truth abides in 
fullness and to Know rather consists in opening out a way whence the 
imprisoned splendor may escape than in effecting entry for light supposed to 
be without." 

(Robert Browning)

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