can play quicktime and windows media player videos

Mario Vukelic mario.vukelic at
Fri Oct 12 05:59:09 UTC 2007

On Fri, 2007-10-12 at 10:25 +1000, James Takac wrote:
> The easiest way (and I know there'll be those to warn against it) is
> to use automatix to setup the codecs

So you know that Automatix in its current state is harmful for
computers, and that we are warning new Ubuntu users not to trust it, AND
YOU STILL RECOMMEND IT?  Are you also going to be here to fix these
users' broken computers when the next upgrade cycle comes? Or will this
then be left to use warners?

Please stop this nonsense, there is a good reason why we warn:

In addition, if the OP uses Ubuntu 7.04 (Feisty) there is not even a
reason anymore to use Automatix, most things "just work", and Brian
McKee already provided the relevant simple information in the link

Note that the Automatix guys now recognize that they can do better, and
are now actively working with Ubuntu. If this is successful, there will
be no reason anymore to warn, but we are not there, yet.

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