Data recovery

Karl Goetz kamping_kaiser at
Tue Oct 2 02:38:33 UTC 2007

On Tue, 2007-10-02 at 11:34 +1000, James Takac wrote:
> Hi Guys
> Have a friend who had his windows hard drive trashed, well, at least the 
> bootable partition. Aparently his system froze so he powered it down. When he 
> next powered it up it appears the bootable partion got wiped. What I'm 
> wondering is, are there any packages out the for Ubuntu that might help 
> recover the partion. Or maybe I need a stand alone tool/cd of sorts?

ubuntu cd should be fine. especialy to find out if its  abooting problem
(simple mbr fix) or corrupt partition (not so simple) or drive died
(less simple) or... etc.

> James

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