Boot screen: Quiet or not?

Bruce Marshall bmarsh at
Wed Oct 10 16:40:08 UTC 2007

On Wednesday 10 October 2007, Mario Vukelic wrote:
> >     Unless they're 400 miles away on the other end of the phone line and
> > asking you for help.
> 1) Log in via ssh and change it. That's how support should work
> 2) As I said in my original post, of course it should show messages when
> there is a need. If everything is alright, there is no need.

I think you are forgetting here (or omitting) that many times things break at 
a point where you:

1) Can't get the messages on the screen unless you have prepared for this in 

2) Can't ssh into the machine to make the changes to get the messages. (or fix 
anything else)

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