Printer sharing between gutsy and feisty (Ubuntu)

NoOp glgxg at
Wed Oct 10 14:50:26 UTC 2007

On 10/09/2007 12:29 PM, John Graddy wrote:
> I am running Ubuntu on three systems - two running feisty and one
> running gutsy Beta with all updates.  One feisty system has a HP 960C
> printer attached.  The other feisty system has a HP Deskjet 4100.  The
> gutsy system has a HP 6100 Series All-In-One attached.  Printer sharing
> has been activated on all three systems.
> The gutsy system can access all of the available printers.  The two 
> feisty systems can access only the printers on feisty systems
> When I look at the available printers
> (system->administration->printing), the two feisty systems show only the
> HP 960C and the HP 4100.  The gutsy system shows all three printers.
>>From the gutsy system, I can print on the 970C, the 4100, and the 6100
> but I can't print on the 6100 from either feisty system.
> When all three systems were running feisty, all printers showed up on all 
> systems.
> HPLIP 2.7.7 is running on all three systems.  What am I doing wrong?
> Thanks,
> John

I found that I was running into continued Samba share problems on my
printers. Seemed like every other week, or every other update, it got
screwed up. I finally ended up using IPP rather than SMB for the
connections. You might give that a try. For the connection, insead of
smb use:

ipp://<IP address of printer>:631/printers/<printer name>

It does require that you allow port 631 connections, but if it is on
your closed lan you should be ok.


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