Booting Ubuntu 7.04

Andrew Glen-Young aglenyoung at
Wed Oct 10 15:21:52 UTC 2007

On 10/10/2007, Karlo Prstac <karlo.prstac at> wrote:
> >> What happens if you start the CD in "Safe graphics mode"?
> >>
> I've now tried bootin in normal mode and in safe.
> Results,normal still cant boot,black screen again.
> Safe mode,heh we're getting somwhere but not far.
> I manage to get the orange backround and the mouse cursor but then it
> freezes.
> Could this be to my graphics card?

I would think so. Have you tried Steve Flynn's suggestion of trying to
press CTRL+ALT+1 after booting in safe graphics mode and getting the
orange background?

If you get a simple login prompt, which is responsive, then your
machine hasn't locked up only the Xserver (the GUI).

Knowing this will help with further diagnosis .

- A.

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