ASUS MB Ships w/Linux

NoOp glgxg at
Wed Oct 10 01:56:46 UTC 2007

Yes, I know that some might think that this post belongs on Sounder...
However I ran across this when searching for Asley's ASUS MB (Dual
monitor possible thread?) and thought that I might pass this along anyway:
ASUS Motherboard Ships With Embedded Linux, Web Browser
Published on October 06, 2007.
Written by Michael Larabel.

The good folks over at ASUS have sent over the P5E3 Deluxe, which is
based upon Intel's new X38 Chipset and continues in the usual ASUS
fashion of pushing new (and often unexpected) innovations onto the
motherboard. Without spoiling the review of this motherboard that will
be published shortly, the ASUS P5E3 Deluxe is one of the most innovative
motherboards we have seen to date and it packs one very exciting and
unusual feature. Embedded onto the P5E3 Deluxe is a Linux environment
that features a Firefox-rebranded web browser and the Skype VoIP client!

Full article at the link above.

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