DVD backup

Nils Kassube kassube at gmx.net
Tue Oct 9 19:17:10 UTC 2007

tsai wrote:
> I ran into a problem though with one wherein only 1.7gb is 
> saved to iso, then growisofs stops.  Here is the output:
> root at ai:/home/ai/Movies# dd if=/dev/hdc of=JustinBday.iso
> dd: reading `/dev/hdc': Input/output error
> 3257824+0 records in
> 3257824+0 records out
> 1668005888 bytes (1.7 GB) copied, 318.035 seconds, 5.2 MB/s
> root at ai:/home/ai/Movies#

Are you sure there are more than 1.7GB on the original DVD? Not every DVD 
really is filled to the maximum capacity. The dd message looks quite 
normal to me for making an iso file from a CD/DVD.


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