How to reboot from start scripts?

Andrew Glen-Young aglenyoung at
Tue Oct 9 12:43:42 UTC 2007

On 09/10/2007, Josef Wolf <jw at> wrote:
> > > So there is really no way to properly shutdown/reboot from single-user
> > > mode?
>   - shutdown -r now
>   - init 6
>   - reboot
>   - halt
>   - ctrl-alt-del
>   - CTRL-D
> _none_ of them reboots the system.  They all just continue the boot
> process on a half-mounted system.  All of them (except CTRL-D) just leave
> the single-user-shell running.  The result is that the single-user-shell
> races with getty/login for input from /dev/tty1.

I missed the beginning of this thread, but your problem does not seem
to be correct behaviour (or at least behaviour that I would expect).

I have tested your scenario with the only machine that I have the
luxury of rebooting at the moment: Dapper LTS server. I can confirm
that Dapper Server does not have this issue. I could reboot the server
in all the ways listed above without issue.

I could not induce the rescue shell like you suggested (by editing the
'' file). I had to pass the 'rootfatal=yes' commands from
the 'kernel' command on the grub boot menu.

I might have time to try this on other flavours at a later time. What
version of Ubuntu are you running?

- A.

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