Package: flac

James Takac p3nndrag0n at
Mon Oct 8 23:36:58 UTC 2007

On Tuesday 09 October 2007 04:27:58 Bjørn Haagensen wrote:
> Hi,
> My impression is that the flac package in main is often behind the
> latest official releases. I'm running Gutsy beta right now, and flac is
> at 1.1.4, which was released on Feb. 13. 2007.
> There have been two official releases since then, 23. Jul and 17. Sep.
> Are there any specific reasons that a more recent version is not used in
> Ubuntu? What would be a possible route to ensure the most recent version
> is shipped with Ubuntu?
> Regards Bjørn

Hi Bjorn

I'm finding this with numerous packages actually. I supose it takes time to 
make sure things are up to date


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