WEP key encryption

Andrew Glen-Young aglenyoung at gmail.com
Mon Oct 8 20:24:16 UTC 2007

On 08/10/2007, Weiner, Michael <weinerm at ccf.org> wrote:
> I have been searching for an answer through the forums and googling
> some, but haven't found a definitive answer. My query is, can Ubuntu
> (Gutsy Gibbon) store the wireless WEP key encrypted? And if so, what
> file is that found in? I need to setup a users laptop to connect to our
> wireless network, but am prohibited from doing so if I am unable to
> store the WEP key encrypted.

AFAIK, Gutsy uses Network Manager to manage the networks. Network
Manager in turn uses Gnome Keyring to store WEP keys, passwords, etc.
According to the Gnome Keyring docs
(http://live.gnome.org/GnomeKeyring) these data are encrypted.

- A.

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