Wireless/network connection GUIs

Richard Bennett richard.bennett at skynet.be
Sat Oct 6 13:04:42 UTC 2007

On Sat, 06 Oct 2007 14:47:20 +0200, Adam McGreggor <lists at amyl.org.uk>  

> How about good old-fashioned $EDITOR and /etc/network/interfaces ?
> (I've seen quite a few people having problems with this network-manager;
> I've never had a need/want to use it.)
> A collection of comments in my interfaces file remind me of which
> set-up/keys I need; it's just a case of ifdown, vi, ifup, and away I go,
> when I need to.

I agree, but do you know good guide to this online? Ubuntu networking  
files seem to be a lot different to other distributions. I used to edit a  
separate eth0.cfg file for each interface, but am not managing to get  
things working well, as Ubuntu's single networking file seems to get  
changed so radically when things like the network manager start-up.
Often when I do 'ifup eth0' I get errors about 'interface does not exist',  
although it surely does as it shows up in network manager, if I do  
'/etc/init.d/networking restart' there are loads of errors too, even about  
wlan0 and others that I don't have.
Sometimes I have to reboot to get the network up after switching from  
wireless to wired lan.


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