SSH hangs

Bart Silverstrim bsilver at
Sat Oct 6 11:54:36 UTC 2007

Steven Ringwald wrote:
>> I've had this happen using my OS X system and Ubuntu system.
>> I'll ssh in, can forward X applications, etc., but as soon as I
>> type "exit" to close the session, it just seems to hang. I can only
>>  finally cut it off by opening another terminal and using kill on
>> the "local" ssh process.
>> What causes this?  Anyone else run into it?
> I have seen this when tunneling email ports, for instance, and
> logging out with an application (Thunderbird) still using the
> ports...

Sometimes I'm forwarding X applications, but exit them before doing the 
"exit" at the console.  Would it happen even if using -X or -Y and not 
running any applications that actually forwarded?...

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