Dual monitor possible?

Ashley Benton meggalen at gmail.com
Sat Oct 6 01:27:10 UTC 2007

Thank you for your encouragement. I'll will go back and  see  what I can
find in the BIOS. I'll let you know if I find something and if I change
anything in it. I won't be able to work on it tomorrow and it is possible
that I don't reply before Sunday. No bad manner intentioned just work.

Thank you


On 10/5/07, Daniel Goldsmith <daniel.goldsmith at gmail.com> wrote:
> On 10/5/07, Liam Proven <lproven at gmail.com> wrote:
> > On 05/10/2007, Ashley Benton <meggalen at gmail.com> wrote:
> > > I think it is build in the motherboard, there is no card just a pink
> thing
> > > (sorry don't know the name) plug into the motherboard
> >
> > Ah. Now, forgive me, but if you mentioned that before, I didn't notice
> > it. Which is a shame, because I think it's an absolutely critical bit
> > of information.
> >
> <snip>
> > It sounds to me like that's what's happening here. On such machines it
> > is, as far as I know, *impossible* to use the integrated graphics
> > /and/ an additional graphics card simultaneously.
> > Sorry about that. It's a pain, but alas, multiple monitor support is a
> > fairly new thing on the PC - it's less than a decade old as a
> > mass-market thing. Macs, of course, have been doing it for twenty
> > years.
> Absolutely *not* the case. It is difficult, granted, but it is not
> impossible.
> In the specific case being discussed here, i would suggest that the OP
> would go into their BIOS settings and poke around looking for a
> Settings Option which will allow the system to use the OnBoard or
> Legacy video system in preference to the nvidia card.
> As others have pointed out - Ubuntu is spectacularly poor, even among
> linux distributions, at handling dual monitors, particularly when an
> internal graphics card is being used. There are dozens of outstanding
> and ignored bugs on the issue.
> > I think you're stuck, and by the sound of it, unless you're short of
> > RAM, you'd probably be better off with your built-in graphics. I'd
> > suggest buying a more modern nVidia card with twin monitor outputs. I
> > expect you'd pick one up for the price of a beer on eBay.
> I call rubbish. Unless there is a specific BIOS issue preventing the
> OP from accessing both cards, there is no reason to abandon the
> available equipment.
> regards,
> Daniel
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