Leaving "recovery mode"

claudiu vlad claudiu.vlad at gmail.com
Fri Oct 5 18:58:42 UTC 2007

you may press ESCAPE when Grub is loading and then press E when over the
first line and then press END and you might delete the word QUIET at the
end of that line. this will be temporary. when rebooting the setting
will revert to default

also if you want to make it permanent, you might then edit this
file : /boot/grub/menu.lst
and look at the last lines of it for the word QUIET

On Fri, 2007-10-05 at 14:11 -0400, Pete Holsberg wrote:

> I like recovery mode because it shows me what's going on during booting 
> (and in a nice typeface and screen resolution! how can I get these for 
> my console?).
> But I don't know what command will take me to "regular mode". Will 
> someone please tell me? Thx
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