dual boot feisty-gusty?

Chris Malton chrism at cjsoftuk.dyndns.org
Fri Oct 5 06:18:29 UTC 2007

Dennis Castanos wrote:
> I would like to install beta gusty along with feisty.  Will gusty pick
> up feisty +(windows)as a boot option?  if not, is there any
> instructions on the internet on how to this?
> Dennis

You will need two partitions, one for Feisty and its / or root folder, 
and the other for Gutsy and its root folder.  You can have a shared 
/home (but I wouldn't recommend it, since a lot of conf files are stored 
in /home/$USER/.$APP where $USER is your username and $APP is the 
program's name, and a lot of the apps have changed in Gutsy.

That said, I upgraded Feisty to Gutsy (beta) without adverse effects 
last week, so it MAY be possible to keep /home the same for both.

However, no matter what you do, the folders /etc, /usr and /var MUST be 
on a different partition for each of Gutsy and Feisty.

Example steps (with 500GB hard disk):
0) Examine disk partition table using gparted (or FDisk

    Device Boot      Start         End      Blocks   Id  System
/dev/sdb1   *           1       30117   241914771   83  Linux
/dev/sdb2           30118       60234   241914802+   7  HPFS/NTFS
/dev/sdb3           60235       60801     4554427+   5  Extended
/dev/sdb5           60235       60801     4554396   82  Linux swap

1) Repartition hard disk.
	a) sdb1 is the Linux root in the above example.
	b) Resize /dev/sdb1 so that there are at least 10GB of free space.
	c) Create a new partition in that free space and format it to ext3.

2) Load up the Gutsy installer.
3) Step through the installer.
	a) Do *not* repartition anything, simply tell gutsy to use the new 
partition mount at "/"
	b) Let gutsy install as normal (after selecting the right partition)

4) Reconfigure GRUB.
Since you just installed gutsy, it wiped out your grub config  from the 
feisty install (but will have picked up Windows!).  You'll need to 
re-add your kernels with correct paths to boot feisty. (Hint: Copy the 
automagic kernel entries from your old /boot/grub/menu.lst to *outside* 
the Automagic Kernel Entries section in your newly created 

Is that enough info?


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