[gutsy] HWINFO

NoOp glgxg at sbcglobal.net
Thu Oct 4 21:58:41 UTC 2007

Anyone having any problems running hwinfo from the terminal in Gutsy? On
all three of the machines that I've just upgraded from Feisty to Gutsy
the output from the terminal is along the lines of:

34: ISA(P?P) 00.0: 0000 U???????°??? ??????
  [C?????? ?? ??????.142]
  UDI: /??±/°??????????/H??/???????/???_PNP0?04
  U????? ID: ?EKD.DE8RM9?WQQ8
  S??FS ID: /???????/???0/00:06
  S??FS B??ID: 00:06
  H??????? C????: ???????
  M????: "P?P U???????°??? ??????"
  S??V?????: PNP "P?P"
  S??D?????: ???? 0?0?04
  C??°?± S?????: ?°±=???, ?????=???, ????=??, ??????=???????

Anyone else seeing the same?

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