Dual monitor possible?

Brian McKee brian.mckee at gmail.com
Thu Oct 4 18:18:05 UTC 2007

On 04/10/2007, Ashley Benton <meggalen at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello,
> The link to explain X config file was very useful and at least Now I can
> understand better what I am trying to do and at which level of the system I
> am working. I tried to save the xorg.conf.files but apparently I am not
> doing the right thing so I ended copying the file and save it as a normal
> document like that if I can go back in the computer I will be able to copy
> it in a text editor. Following are the command I used at the terminal and
> the results given by my terminal.

Actually - it doesn't look like you saved it anywhere - 'cat' just
dumps it to the screen

Go back into the /etc/X11 directory using 'cd' just like you did.
Then 'cp xorg.conf xorg.conf-backup-oct4-07'
'cp' is copy

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