Upstart questions.

Josef Wolf jw at
Thu Oct 4 10:08:09 UTC 2007

On Thu, Sep 27, 2007 at 12:43:37AM +0200, Josef Wolf wrote:
[ upstart ]
> - When new files in /etc/event.d are created, or existing files are
>   modified, upstart seems not to notice the change.  I know I can
>   "initctl start myserverX" after creating/modifying
>   /etc/event.d/myserverX.  But I don't really like that because it
>   would lead to all sorts of racing conditions.  I'd rather see
>   upstart to notice changes (create/delete/modify) in /etc/event.d
>   and react properly according to current "state" of all events.
> - To make sure my server can run properly, I need to make sure a
>   specific module is loaded.  Currently, I "modprobe mymodule" in
>   /etc/init.d/boot.local.  I guess this would be a good use of
>   upstart's pre-start script.  But with this, the modprobe would
>   be executed for every (re)spawn of every myserver instance.
>   While this should not do any harm, it seems to be somewhat
>   suboptimal.

Are there really no suggestions on those two?

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