Simple question - complicated answers

Liam Proven lproven at
Thu Oct 4 02:18:14 UTC 2007

On 04/10/2007, alex <aradsky at> wrote:
> >> I think this is an analagous situation. I suspect that the OP does not
> >> actually know what he is asking.
> >> Perhaps he thinks the kernel is a
> >> particular program that he can watch running on his screen or that he
> >> can in some way send commands to and watch it work, like a word
> >> processor.
>  I was careful to say that_ all I wanted to do was "see" the kernel._ I
> said that several times because I thought the kernel was some kind of  a
> document that was readable and editable.  as '/boot/grub/menu.lst'  is.

Ah, yes, but you see, the thing is this: you didn't say that you
thought that the kernel was a text file or document, so we didn't know
that. It wasn't possible to work this out from your question, as the
question was ambiguous - it admitted of multiple conflicting
interpretations. One can see all sorts of things that are not text
documents, after all, even on a computer screen: one can see a
program, such as a clock; one can see a file in a directory listing,
one can see the /contents/ of a file, one can see the output of a
program or the user-interface of a program. There are all sorts of
ways that one can "see" something on a computer.

Liam Proven • Profile:
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