Simple question - complicated answers

alex aradsky at
Thu Oct 4 00:10:11 UTC 2007

>> I think this is an analagous situation. I suspect that the OP does not
>> actually know what he is asking. 

>> Perhaps he thinks the kernel is a
>> particular program that he can watch running on his screen or that he
>> can in some way send commands to and watch it work, like a word
>> processor.
 I was careful to say that_ all I wanted to do was "see" the kernel._ I 
said that several times because I thought the kernel was some kind of  a 
document that was readable and editable.  as '/boot/grub/menu.lst'  is. 
   I hope that this isn't interpreted as my saying that I think that the 
kernel and menu.lst are identical.

>> If so, no answer we can give will satisfy him,'I disagree'which is why
>> he says he's been getting the runaround. So, he needs to learn what a
>> kernel /is/ before he can "see" one.
All I needed was someone to say that the kernel is NOT a 
readable/editable document.


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