Cannot read partitions

Derek Broughton news at
Wed Oct 3 12:44:50 UTC 2007

Liam Proven wrote:

> Why jfs? That seems a /very/ strange choice. It's a journalling
> filesystem type typically used with IBM OS/2. What's wrong with ext3
> or even reiser?

I can answer that.  I've tried both of those, and XFS.  XFS isn't well
supported (or rather wasn't a year or so ago) by the installer, so that
just wasn't an option for initial setup.

Reiser worked for me for years, but a couple of years ago I ran into
corruption problems, that seemed to be specifically related to Reiser, so I
went looking for other systems.

ext3 is simply not very efficient, imo.  It's a journal bolted onto an
ancient filesystem, and while I will guarantee it will work, I have been
happier with both Reiser & JFS for performance.
> It's normal for Linux not to be able to write to NTFS. NTFS is a
> closed, proprietary FS; MS does not release the info for others to
> implement it, so FOSS NTFS drivers are reverse-engineered. There are
> solutions to enable write access - captive and ntfs3g -

I used ntfs-3g for about 6 months, then it started causing corruption on the
Windows side, and even after everything was apparently fixed using Windows
Scandisk, only about 50% of the files I tried to read via ntfs-3g could be
read without IO errors.  I remounted with the read-only NTFS driver and
could read flawlessly.

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