video manipulation software

James Takac p3nndrag0n at
Wed Oct 3 01:06:31 UTC 2007

On Wednesday 03 October 2007 10:43:31 debian wrote:
> hi all
> im looking through the web and through the ubuntu repositories and cant
> seem to find any video editor that will work (either the source code is
> bad or the repositories dont have it).
> Does anybody know where i can get a good video editing program? i need
> it for a school project due very soon
> --cj

Hi cj

I tend to use avidemux mostly myself. It's in the repos so you can get it 
there. If you try adding from applications->add remove software you wont see 
much. You'll have to look through synaptic package manager. If you haven't, 
I'd suggest setting your sources to the main server as well. Just realized I 
should've asked what you mean by manipulation, e.g. editing software like for 
cutting out bits, pasting in, etc. And what have you looked at so far. Also 
what kind of files are you going to be working with. In synaptic do a search 
for "video edit" or if you dont mind sifting a lil more just search 
for "video". You should find the likes of avidemux, pitivi, kino, mpgtx, etc. 
If you need a frameserver (acts as a go between from file to editor and adds 
numerous filters) I would suggest avisynth which is in source form for linux 
and can be found at

Hope this helps

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