Gutsy/Windows Dual Boot

Bruce Marshall bmarsh at
Tue Oct 2 23:51:36 UTC 2007

On Tuesday 02 October 2007, John Graddy wrote:
> I added those lines to /boot/grub/menu.lst.  I did not get a Windows
> menu entry - ubuntu booted.  When I entered 'esc' to get the GRUB boot
> options, Windows did not appear.
> Do I need o do an 'uodate-grub' after editing menu.lst?

This then is as I suspected.......

You are not editing the menu.lst that is involved with the boot.

When you boot again...   do the 'edit' procedure and edit the kernel line (or 
the initrd line) and take a look at where those files are located.  They are 
probably on a different partition than the one you are editing.

(or else your menu.lst  is farkeled but I doubt that)

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