Gutsy/Windows Dual Boot

Bruce Marshall bmarsh at
Tue Oct 2 19:47:13 UTC 2007

On Tuesday 02 October 2007, John Graddy wrote:
> The only way that I know to boot windows is to get into GRUB command
> mode and enter the following:
> root (hd0,0)
> makeactive
> chainloader +1
> boot
> When I do that, Windows boots OK.

Well then, put those lines into your menu.lst with a title for Windows.

And if that doesn't work, my guess would be that you are editing the wrong 

You should also be aware that if you select an entry on the GRUB menu (one of 
the boot options) and then type  'e', it will allow you to edit that entry 
for that boot.   Once you type 'e', you will be shown all of the lines in 
that entry and you can select one of those lines and again type 'e' to edit a 
single line.

Type 'b' to  boot once you have made your changes.  

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