Mounting a hard disk

Gerald Dachs ubuntu at
Fri Nov 30 19:59:00 UTC 2007

Am Fri, 30 Nov 2007 14:01:00 -0500
schrieb Bruce Marshall <bmarsh at>:

> On Friday 30 November 2007, Paul Smith wrote:
> > > Sorry I can't be of more help.
> >
> > That is fine, Preston. Maybe someone else will help me.
> I think we need more information as to what is on this partition.
> What is the format of the data?  Where did it come from? (such as
> Windows) and if Windows, what filesystem and how was it formatted?
> You tried to mount it as an ext3 disk...  which implies that it came
> from a linux environment.   Is that the case?
I think a 'sudo fdisk -l' would be helpful.


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