xunbutu. Can't get xfce to startup correctly in vnc (no desktop or toolbars)

Geoffrey Lane freeballer at gmail.com
Thu Nov 29 19:25:55 UTC 2007

I want a simple tightvnc service to start xfce4.

I've tried simply using xfce4startup and also xfce-session / 
xfce4startup to get xfce4 in tightvnc's ~/.vnc/xstartup.
I get the mouse splashscreen but then no toolbars or desktop icons. I've 
looked for a howto online but
not found anything specific on ubuntus documents, forum, or google / 
xfce website so want to ask for

If someone knows which ~/.vnc/xstartup I should use. Please post here or 
email me

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