Graphics Driver
angelsapocalypse at
Thu Nov 29 05:54:14 UTC 2007
whEnEvEr i trY 2 eNabLe my grphics card 4m Administrator>Restricted
Driver Manager,aLwz iT saYz,
¨Enable the Driver?
NVIDIA accelerated graphics driver (latest cards)
This driver is required to fully utilise the 3D potential of NVIDIA
graphics cards, as well as provide 2D acceleration of newer cards.
If you wish to enable desktop effects, this driver is required.
If this driver is not enabled, you will not be able to enable desktop
effects and will not be able to run software that requires 3D
acceleration, such as some games.¨
dErE iF i cLick On Enable Driver,iT saYz,
¨The software source for the package nvidia-glx-new is not enabled.¨
i triEd 2 iNstaLling mY Graphics card Linux Driver 4m my Graphics Card
driver CD.iTz a .run File.dere,deY tell 2 extracT iT.usIng whiCh
sOftwarE iL extraCt iT?
Archive Manager CanT eXtraCt da FilE.pLz hElp mE.
iM a nEw UBuntu usErS.aLs iM nEw iN Linux PlatfOrm.
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