Upgrade Open Office to 2.3?

Dotan Cohen dotancohen at gmail.com
Wed Nov 28 06:03:30 UTC 2007

On 28/11/2007, NoOp <glgxg at sbcglobal.net> wrote:
> OK.
> o I installed kubuntu

For lil' ol' me? :) Note that I use Ubuntu with KDE added on, which I
should have mentioned. Actually, I see that I've completely forgotten
to mention which distro I use...

> o Checked standard (U)OOo - OK
> o Uninstalled (U)OOo via Synaptic
> o Downloaded the OOo .deb (http://openoffice.org)
> o Untarred & installed (sudo dpkg -i *.deb) - but *first* I renamed
> openoffice.org-gnome-integration_2.3.0-5_i386.deb to
> x-openoffice.org-gnome-integration_2.3.0-5_i386.deb-x so I don't
> mistakenly install it

I simply deleted the Gnome integration deb.

> o sudo dpkg-i *.deb
> o cd desktop-integration
> o sudo dpkg-i *.deb
> o Went to the KDE menu 'Office' & clicked OpenOffice.org 2.3 Word
> Processor & completed the install.
> Done.
> Opened Writer & then File|Open & all seems to work as expected. (man, I
> find that KDE bouncing icon thing as irritating as the Windows helper dog..)

Actually, I like it better than the spinning hourglass... But I know
what my wife finds it rather annoying as well.

> So, I'm unsure what you find to be a problem with the dialogs. Perhaps
> it's just that I'm used to Gnome and am missing something re KDE?

You can see the different dialogs here:
This is what I get in my current OOo install when I try to open a file:
This is what I'd like to see:

The difference is in the way that the dialog responds to keyboard and
mouse input. I am not familiar with the tab controls of the GTK
dialog, and the mouse control require double clicking which I am
incapable of. Also, the stored locations of favorite folders is
absent, as is the ability to view hidden files and directories.
Needless to say, KDE's network transparancy does not function when the
GTK dialogs are used.

Thanks for all the effort. I hope that a simple solution can be found.
I really appreciate all the assistance.

Dotan Cohen


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