Installing Ubuntu from floppy disk?

Michael R. Head burner at
Tue Nov 27 21:51:36 UTC 2007

On Tue, 2007-11-27 at 13:13 -0800, NoOp wrote:
> On 11/27/2007 11:44 AM, Ashley Benton wrote:
> > From DOS the list is: computer Award/Award, pentium TM
> > memory 640K, 31744 K extras
> > video VGA, cirrus
> > Network, No network

I've turned a similar system into a router at my parents' house. It runs
Linux (without X) reasonably well. 

mutt and links and emacs can all be used effectively in text mode.

> I'm afraid that the system is probably destined for the recycle bin.
> Even if you try another tiny linux, you won't be able to do much of
> anything with only 640K of memory. 64M maybe, but definately not with 640K.
Michael R. Head <burner at>
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