Bug: enabling 'cups-lpd' results in frezing of Gusty

Alex Janssen alex at ourwoods.org
Tue Nov 27 03:54:55 UTC 2007

Ingo Steiner said the following on 11/11/2007 07:09 AM:
> I have already filed a bug-report in Launchpad, but it is still ignored:
> https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/159260
> I had to downgrade to Feisty again, to be able to print out of a
> Parallels-VM via 'cups-lpd'
I know your post is old, but I just saw it.

Did you get it working?
I installed xinetd as suggested in the man page for cups-lpd.  I added 
the only_from = ipaddress parameter.  cups-lpd loads and takes print 
jobs this way. 

I'm having trouble with a header printing, even on a raw queue printer, 
which isn't supposed to happen.


 Not only is there no God, but try finding a plumber on Sunday. - Woody Allen (270)

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