Adobe Flash plug-in doesn't play *.flv files??

Carl Spitzer cwsiv at
Mon Nov 26 21:49:01 UTC 2007

On Sun, 2007-10-28 at 01:42 +0000, lhunsicker at wrote:
> Hi, all.
> I have got the Adobe Flash plug-in to work now.  But I find that, surprisingly,
> it doesn't seem to work with *.flv files -- only *.swf files.  This seems a bit
> odd to me, since *.flv was the original Flash file format.  Did they create
> something without backward compatibility?

Swf goes back to the says of Win311 flv does not.  I can play flv and
download and save them to play again using a firefox plug in.  If you
just want to play them stand alone use the file manager to select and
open them.  When Totem does not find the plug in you will be prompted to
search for it and then all the work is done for you.


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