what would you do?

David Vincent dvincent at sleepdeprived.ca
Sun Nov 25 21:33:44 UTC 2007

norman wrote:
> I am in the process of setting up a new PC with Edubuntu and Windows.
> The version of Windows I intended to use was win 2K because I own a
> copy. Imagine my chagrin when, after installing the win 2K, I tried to
> use the disc supplied to set up the motherboard only to be informed that
> I needed XP or Vista. I suppose that if I did not want to dual boot then
> Edubuntu would take care of things.
> What would you do chums?

After install go into Device Manager and see which devices are causing 
problems, then go to their respective manufacturer's site and try to 
find drivers for them manually.

Also visit Windows Update first, it may supply some of the missing 
drivers you need (and they'll be WHQL certified too which means MS 
actually tested them with your hardware and says they are stable).

You can also try installing the drivers manually from Device Manager and 
tell it to scan your CDROM - often the drivers are bundled on the CD but 
the stupid installer is newer and won't let you at them.


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