KDE warning that scripts are running slowly

Dotan Cohen dotancohen at gmail.com
Sun Nov 25 05:29:40 UTC 2007

On 25/11/2007, Scott (angrykeyboarder) <geekboy at angrykeyboarder.com> wrote:
> Dotan Cohen spake thusly:
> > Thanks, all. I did ps and top, and found nothing unusual. Turns that
> > the warnings were coming from KDE's Runaway Process applet (which I
> > had recently added). I have removed the applet and the messages have
> > stopped.
> UGH. Been there, done that. I'd love to know what useful purpose that
> app serves (besides being irritating)? :)

Generating list traffic?

Dotan Cohen


A: Because it messes up the order in which people normally read text.
Q: Why is top-posting such a bad thing?

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