Can I use umax astra 4100 on my ubuntu

Jim Smith jim at
Sat Nov 24 03:17:38 UTC 2007

maman durahman wrote:
> Dear All,
> I need some help. What ever help i realy appreciate it.
> Can I use umax astra 4100 on my ubuntu?  If yes, how?
> I have spend a lot of time searching for the answer through google and
> ubuntu forum. And i have not find it yet.
> Thanks in advance.
I had the same scanner. SANE does have a driver for it, but there was no
way I could get it to work. I even tried compiling SANE and XSane from
source but it never did work for me. I gave up and got a Canon Lide 60
and it has worked like a charm ever since.



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