annoying Gnome keyboard settings pop-up

Jimmy Wu jimmywu013+ubuntu-lists at
Fri Nov 23 18:36:06 UTC 2007

On Nov 22, 2007 1:46 PM, Florin Andrei <florin at> wrote:

> Alex Janssen wrote:
> > I'd tell it to use the X settings.  That'll stop the pop-up.
> It doesn't.
> > You can
> > always change it via System->Preferences->Keyboard.
> There was only one thing to select there, I did, it didn't help.
> But the thing is - why did this problem appear? Something messed up the
> keyboard settings, something related to Compiz.
> --
> Florin Andrei

The problem is that GNOME and X don't agree on what keyboard model you have
(X says pc 101 and GNOME thinks it's pc 105).  Changing you settings so X
and GNOME agree should get rid of the popup.
If you have a 105 key keyboard, you can fix the entry in your
/etc/X11/xorg.conf (under Section "InputDevice", Option "XkbModel", change
it to "pc105").  If you have the pc 101, then in your GNOME Keyboard
Preferences, hit the Choose... button next to where it says Keyboard Model:
Generic 105-key (Intl) PC and choose the 101 Keyboard.

I have no idea how or why Compiz would change your keyboard settings, so I
don't know if that is strictly related.


Registered Linux User #454138
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