Installing Ubuntu from floppy disk?

Christian Csar cacsar at
Fri Nov 23 05:01:58 UTC 2007

Depending on how much ram you have, and on the speed of the processor, 
it may be best to use a lighter windowing environment than gnome or xfce.

Ashley Benton wrote:
> It seems that you are right I have a quantum pro drive lps and another 
> hard drive of 850 mb  but  it doesn't make the  2 gb  require. I will 
> buy another hard drive before to try. Thanks again
> Meg
> On Nov 22, 2007 9:09 PM, Ashley Benton <meggalen at 
> <mailto:meggalen at>> wrote:
>     I have no idea and don't know where to look. I'll try to find out.
>     Thanks for the reminder
>     Meg
>     On Nov 22, 2007 9:03 PM, David Vincent < dvincent at
>     <mailto:dvincent at>> wrote:
>         Ashley Benton wrote:
>          > Hi,
>          > I have a very old computer using windows 3.1 and not really
>         working. I
>          > wanted to install Ubuntu on it for my son. This computer has
>         only a
>          > floppy drive and apparently no programs to go on internet. Is it
>          > possible to install Ubuntu from floppy disks? How do I create
>         the floppy
>          > disks? If I try to move a copy of my ubuntu cd inside the
>         floppy disk,
>          > Ubuntu tells me that there is not enough space. Any advice
>         would be
>          > welcome.
>         How big is the hard drive in that machine?  Nothing I had back
>         in that
>         day had anything near the 2+gb required for Ubuntu to be installed.
>         I've already seen some suggestions about getting USB CDROM
>         drives etc.,
>         before you go that far do you have the space to install Ubuntu
>         on there?
>         -d
>         --
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