Installing Ubuntu from floppy disk?

Robert Persson ireneshusband at
Fri Nov 23 03:37:04 UTC 2007

On Nov 22, 2007 6:20 PM, Ashley Benton <meggalen at> wrote:
> It seems that you are right I have a quantum pro drive lps and another hard
> drive of 850 mb  but  it doesn't make the  2 gb  require. I will buy another
> hard drive before to try. Thanks again
> Meg

Ubuntu may not be your best bet. You might do well to go to and try to find a distribution more suited to the
capabilities of the machine. You will certainly be able to find a few
that boot from floppies and are relatively gentle on memory etc.
Consider installing an ultra-lightweight gui such as fluxbox.

As someone has already said, if you can get an old network card (I'm
assuming you've got either PCI or ISA slots on the machine), that
would be the best way to go. I'd ask for one on your local freecycle
if you have one for where you live. Failing that, you should be able
to do an install via a parallel or serial cable. It will be slow


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