annoying Gnome keyboard settings pop-up

Florin Andrei florin at
Thu Nov 22 18:17:51 UTC 2007

Using Gutsy 7.10 i386 on a ThinkPad T60

I tried Compiz a while ago, it had some compatibility issues with some 
apps, so I uninstalled the 3D desktop packages. But now there's an 
annoying pop-up every time I log in to Gnome - see attached image.

It says:
The X system keyboard settings differ from your current GNOME keyboard 
Expected was model "pc101", layout "us" and no options, but the the 
following settings were found: model "pc105", layout "us" and no options.
Which set would you like to use?

What can I do to get rid of the pop up?

Florin Andrei
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