setting up ddclient

Caleb Marcus caleb.marcus at
Thu Nov 22 01:13:16 UTC 2007

On Wed, 2007-11-21 at 17:28 -0600, Wade Smart wrote:

> 11212007 1727 GMT-6
> Im reposting this from another group as I received no help.
> Wade
> 11192007 1207 GMT-6
> A while back I set up a DynDNS account. I downloaded the ddclient and I
> thought I set it up properly. Apparently not. The updater is not working.
> I have my information in a text file located at /etc/ddclient/ddclient.conf
> Its a daemon that runs every 600 seconds.
> Im still new enough that I do not understand exactly how LOTS of things
> work. But, I know that if I type in sudo ddclient the client is supposed
> to run until the computer turns off.
> In my Syslog it says:
> Nov 19 11:54:27 wadesmart ddclient[24065]:
> WARNING:  Cannot create file '/var/run/'. (Permission denied)
> Nov 19 11:54:28 wadesmart ddclient[24065]:
> SUCCESS:  updating good: IP address set to
> Nov 19 11:54:28 wadesmart ddclient[24065]:
> FATAL:    Cannot create file '/var/cache/ddclient/ddclient.cache'. (No
> such file or directory)
> Nov 19 11:56:13 wadesmart ddclient[24158]:
> WARNING:  updating nochg: No update required;
> unnecessary attempts to change to the current address are considered abusive
> Nov 19 11:56:13 wadesmart ddclient[24158]:
> FATAL:    Cannot create file '/var/cache/ddclient/ddclient.cache'. (No
> such file or directory)
> AS I read this, the file ran one time and said my client is on the
> correct address. But there is a problem with the cache and pid.
> In the conf file it says:
> pid=/var/run/
> and as I look in the /var/run folder I see the file.
> There is however now /var/cache/ddclient  so I guess that is not created
> automatically.
> Well, not knowing any better, I created the ddlcient file in that
> location. But, I quickly discovered that the user and group isnt
> correct. A little further research into figuring out user and group for
> services lead me way deep into a hole of which I have no lite to see by.
> So, if someone could help me with this, I would much appreciate it.
> Wade

I used DynDNS a while back, but unfortunately I don't remember how I set
it up. You may have more success, however, with the ddclient from the
Ubuntu repositories... not sure if that's the one you're using, but it
doesn't sound like it. To install it, run < sudo aptitude install
ddclient >
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