PLEASE I want print to gfax or kprinter !

Sam Przyswa samp at
Wed Nov 21 17:18:34 UTC 2007

Le mardi 30 octobre 2007 à 15:24 -0700, Rick Knight a écrit :
> Sam Przyswa wrote:
> > Le lundi 29 octobre 2007 à 12:06 +0100, Leo Cacciari a écrit :
> >   
> >> Il giorno dom, 28/10/2007 alle 22.05 +0100, Sam Przyswa ha scritto:
> >>
> >>     
> >>> So, let me know HOW to create such printer (as it exist in kprinter)
> >>> with Ubuntu Gnome Gutsy and or let me know what
> >>> printer manager to use.
> >>>
> >>> Is it enough quite clear for you ?
> >>>
> >>> Thanks anyway
> >>>
> >>> Sam.
> >>>       
> >> Hi,
> >>   first of all, I get the printer working following one of the aswers
> >> that where given to you and you did not read (no, I will not tell you
> >> which answer, see below).
> >>     
> >
> > I read the mail from Fajar Priyanto with the Hylafax clients software
> > list but most of them are work around or need to create the .ps file
> > before to send, except perhaps Hylapex who need install of some
> > particular Python packages.
> >
> > The most easiest solution, in my opinion, should to install a printer to
> > call Gfax, kdeprintfax, kprinter, or any dedicated applications as the
> > feel's user.
> >
> >   
> >>  second, you are flaming and not asking questions, thus you'll go
> >> directly to my killfile and I think other people will do the same.
> >> Remember: here none is paid to answer you, if people do it is out of
> >> kindness, thus the less you can do is stay polite. You didn't. 
> >>     
> >
> > But to reply to you, I'm not flaming anybody. I contribute on usenet
> > news since about 1990 and I have to remember the aim of usenet: it's not
> > a private support from a company/organisation to customers, but a PUBLIC
> > help, this mean that an asked question and its answer serve the whole
> > community not only the person who asked the question.
> >
> > For me it's very easy to switch to my Kubuntu desktop and use the KDE
> > kprinter from my apps (OpenOffice, and the rest). But for a newbie user
> > it will take 2mn to create a printer able to call gfax to send fax from
> > its applications (as he should do on KDE) other than install an external
> > work around.
> >
> > But sorry if you feel my posts as flaming.
> >
> > Sam.
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >   
> Sam,
> If you can easily switch to Kubuntu, do so and install with apt or 
> synaptic hylafax-client and hylafax-server. Run faxaddmodem to add your 
> modem to hylafax. Then download and build from source faxfrontend. 
> Follow the instructions carefully, especially the part about cups and 
> sudoers. This does work and it is really pretty simple.

We already have our own Hylafax server on an other machine, but I found
how add Kprinter as printer at least for the OpenOffice apps, first
install kprinter, then edit the /etc/openoffice/psprint.conf as:

; Copies: the default number of copies produced
;         if key is absent the default is 1
; Copies=1

; Orientation: the default orientation of pages
;         possible Values: Portrait, Landscape
;         if key is absent the default is Portrait
; Orientation=Portrait

; Scale: the default scaling of output in percent
;         if key is absent the default is 100
; Scale=100

; MarginAdjust: the default adjustment to driver margins in 1/100 mm
;         MarginAdjust contains corrections for the driver defined
;         the values are comma separated
;         the order is: left,right,top,bottom
;         if key is absent the default is 0,0,0,0
; MarginAdjust=0,0,0,0

; ColorDepth: the default colordepth of the device in bits
;         possible values: 1, 8, 24
;         if key is absent the default is 24
; ColorDepth=24

; ColorDevice: the default setting wether the device is color capable
;         possible values: 0: driver setting, -1: grey scale, 1: color
;         if key is absent the default is 0
; ColorDepth=0

; PSLevel: the default setting of the PostScript level of the output
;         possible values: 0: driver setting, 1: level 1, 2: level2
;         if key is absent the default is 0
; PSLevel=0

; PPD_PageSize: the default page size to use. If a specific printer does
;         not support this page size its default is used instead.
;         possible values: A0, A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, B4, B5, B6,
;                          Legal, Letter, Executive, Statement, Tabloid,
;                          Ledger, AnsiC, AnsiD, ARCHA, ARCHB, ARCHC,
;                          ARCHD, ARCHE, EnvMonarch, EnvC4, EnvC5,
;                          Env10, EnvC65, Folio
;         if key is absent the default value is driver specific
; PPD_PageSize=A4

; Note: the following two key types are in the global section to provide
;         defaults for newly added printers.
; PerformFontSubstitution: wether to replace downloadable fonts
;         with resident fonts or not

; SubstFont_<downloadable font>: the resident font to replace
;         <downloadable font> if PerformFontSubstitution is true
SubstFont_Courier New=Courier
SubstFont_Times New Roman=Times

[Generic Printer]
; for every printer a group with at least the keys
; "Printer" and "Command" is required

; Printer: contains the base name of the PPD and the Printer name
separated by /
Printer=SGENPRT/Generic Printer

; DefaultPrinter: marks the default printer

; Location: a user readable string that will be shown in the print

; Comment:  a user readable string that will be shown in the print

; Command: a command line that accepts PostScript as standard input
; note: a shell will be started for the command

; PerformFontSubstitution: wether to replace downloadable fonts
;         with resident fonts or not

; SubstFont_<downloadable font>: the resident font to replace
;         <downloadable font> if PerformFontSubstitution is true
SubstFont_Courier New=Courier
SubstFont_Times New Roman=Times

SubstFont_Times New Roman=Times
SubstFont_Courier New=Courier

I hope this help...


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