connecting modem through USB

Nils Kassube kassube at
Wed Nov 21 15:41:46 UTC 2007

Twaha Daudi wrote:
> I have problem on connecting my modem GSM/GPRS 900/1800 on ubuntu,
> Iam using minicom to try to connect,but cant get it work
> tried dmesg | grep  tty to get the list of serial port,but didnt
> work.If I connect on  windows it works. please can anyone help?

Usually the first serial port on a USB device is named /dev/ttyUSB0 but 
maybe your modem doesn't register as a serial device. You could unplug 
the modem and enter the command


in a terminal. Then replug the modem and use the same command again. There 
should be one line which is different from the first output. In the line 
you can find the USB ID. It looks like "067b:2303" (actually this example 
ID is taken from a serial port adapter). Google for this ID together 
with "linux" and you might find a solution.


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